On Sunday, October 4th we will hold our eight annual community Blessing of the Animals Service at 3:00 pm on the front lawn of the church. We expect quite a turnout! All pet owners are welcome to bring their pets for this service, which will feature special music and the singing of familiar hymns including “All Things Bright and Beautiful.” We invite all pet owners from Washington Park, Sunnyside, West Salem, and surrounding neighborhoods to join us!
For more information, visit
MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING are REQUIRED for everyone’s safety. Rain Date is October 11 at 3 pm.
LOGOS on the LAWN!
It’s been SIX MONTHS since we have seen each other! We are glad to be able to hold a LOGOS REUNION this Wednesday, September 16, from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Since we will be observing all safety precautions, this won’t be like “regular” LOGOS. Masks are REQUIRED, and must be worn properly. We will maintain social distancing. Instead of family-style supper, we will have individual box lunches with a juice box – each child will pick up their own supper. We will eat in LOGOS groups in a large circle, with 6 feet between each person. Obviously, masks must be removed to eat, but then must be worn immediately after the child is finished eating.
Obviously, we will not be able to do some of the normal LOGOS activities – the Zinzendorfers will not be able to do any puppetry, for example. However, we will still have some Bible study, crafts, and safe games. The main point is to have a reunion, to see one another and catch up on what has been going on in everyone’s life.
Because of the 50 person limitation, we must request that only current or recently graduated LOGOS members attend. Usually we love to have guests and news friends, but in this case a couple of extra people would push us over the limit. We are inviting recent grads if they are in town.
If you have any questions, please email Pastor John at john@johnjackman.com.
Just So You Know:
Since NC is now in Phase 2.5, we are allowed to assemble up to 50 people for an outdoors event. Current research indicates that meeting outdoors is significantly safer than meeting indoors – COVID-19 is transmitted primarily through aerosol and droplets that we emit when we breathe. Outdoors, the unlimited quantity of air and circulation through breezes means that aerosols are dispersed and diluted quickly – unlike indoors, where the aerosols hang in the air and become concentrated. Masks have been proven to significantly reduce the dispersion of aerosols when we exhale, and social distancing keeps a large quantity of air around each person. All items used will be disinfected cleaned; bathrooms on the second floor CE building will be cleaned and available for use by one person at a time. Water fountains are not in use – we will have individual water bottles available.
The safety and health of the children – and our LOGOS teachers – is our primary concern, and we will be doing everything we can to make sure everyone is safe. Please do not allow your child to attend if they are running a fever or displaying other symptoms – or if you have visited a “hot spot” for transmission in the last 14 days.
Moravian Children’s Festival
Sunday, August 16, 2020 | 2:00 PM | ONLINE
Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic,
we have moved this year’s Children’s Festival to a virtual format.
Gather your little ones and those young at heart for a virtual Children’s Festival and Lovefeast! We are excited to be offering this event for the 7th year, especially during this uncertain time! Though we cannot be physically together, we can celebrate as one – through activity sheets, singing, and lovefeast! Prepare your own elements for lovefeast at home, and then join in knowing that dozens of other families are doing the same thing!
Click the link below to visit the Festival page — the Youtube link for the Festival video will go live at 2:00 pm on August 16!
Moravian Renewal Communion
This Sunday, August 16, we will remember the Moravian Renewal on August 13, 1727 with a service of Holy Communion at 11 am. Since we are still worshiping “virtually,” we will also join in communion from our own homes. Please make sure to prepare elements in advance — wine or grape juice and bread or matzoh – so that your household can join us at Christ’s table.
For those who may not have experienced “virtual communion” before, take a moment to view Pastor Jackman’s explanation HERE.
Preparing for Virtual Communion
Food Drive
We will be hosting a food drive for Sunnyside Ministries every Saturday starting June 6th from 10am-12pm in the Trinity Moravian parking lot!
Items that are needed most are:
Canned vegetables, crackers, pasta, rice, cereal, dry/powdered milk, and bread, canned meats and peanut butter also toothbrushes, bars of soap, laundry detergent and toilet tissue.
Come by on Saturday and help us support our community!
May Newsletter
The May newsletter is now available for download as a PDF. If you know someone who does not have access to the internet, please let Pastor John or the Church office know — or print them a hard copy yourself and drop it off!
April 2020 Newsletter
The April, 2020 newsletter is now available! Please download and read carefully since there is SO much that is different, especially with Holy Week and Easter! We will not be printing/mailing a physical newsletter this month (and probably next month). If you know someone who really can’t read a PDF, please print it out for them, or let Pastor John known and he will make sure to get them a hard copy.
Ash Wednesday Services
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of LENT. It is a tradition to observe this day with a service of repentance and the Imposition of Ashes – a cross of ashes drawn on the forehead or hand using ashes made from the burnt palms from last year’s Palm Sunday service.
HOLY COMMUNION – Wed Feb 26, 12:30 pm. This brief service held in the sanctuary includes Holy Communion (using the 1969 Red Hymnal) followed by the Imposition of Ashes. The service takes about 30 minutes.
CATACOMB SERVICE – Wed Feb 26, 7:00 pm. This multi-generational service includes the children of the LOGOS program. The service is held by candlelight, reminiscent of the early Christians who met in secret in the catacombs. The service includes a Cup of Covenant service which the children can participate in, followed by the Imposition of Ashes. The service takes about 30 minutes.
All who seek to follow Christ are welcome at both services.
This 2019 film starring Taraji P. Henson and Sam Rockwell is based on the true story in Durham, NC of the encounter between the Grand Wizard of the Ku Kux Klan, C. P. Ellis, and black activist Ann Atwater. While co-chairing a series of meetings on school desegregation, the two found their preconceptions about each other challenged – and they grew to be lifelong friends.
Download Print-ready PDF Bulletin Insert
The film is rated PG-13 and contains material that may be unsuitable for younger audiences. The screening will be followed by small group discussions to explore how working together with people who are different than ourselves can produce lasting change.
Sunday, February 16, 2020 – 2:00 pm
Trinity Moravian Church
220 East Sprague Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
Sponsored by the Moravian Team for Racial, Cultural, and Ethnic Reconciliation. Screening licensed through CVLI and through special arrangement with STX Entertainment.