Our Christmas 2024 Debt Jubilee Campaign set a goal of $15,000 to attempt to buy about $2 million of medical debt in Forsyth and surrounding counties. We ended up raising over $25,000 – 150% of our original goal! With that, we were able to purchase $2,552,730.39 in past-due medical debts (yes, that’s $2.5 MILLION!) owed by 2,393 of our neighbors! This Sunday, February 9, we will symbolically burn a list of the debts during our 11 am service. We expect a number of special guests as well as media. You should be there, too!
The second Sunday in February is traditionally Scouting Sunday, so Troop and Pack #716 will take part in the service — and in the debt burning! Plus, the Scouts will host a delicious spaghetti luncheon following worship – so plan to stay and enjoy good food and fellowship!