New Online Member Directory
Members and ministry partners can now access a secure online directory to connect with each other! The URL for this separate software is Since this is a secure area, the church office must add your account and preferred email address to the system before you can sign up. Once added, you can log in and create your own password, edit your information, upload profile pictures, and join groups. We hope that this will be an important new "channel" for our members and staff to communicate directly with each other during the pandemic!
Each member should have received an email the week of June 14 with information on how to log in. If you did not receive the email, please check with the church office and we will send a new one.

Facebook Group
Our Trinity Moravian Facebook Group is an active resource for connection with other members and friends. Prayer requests are often posted here, as are event announcements. We recommend that if you are on Facebook, you join this group so that you will see announcements in your feed.
Trinity Moravian Facebook Group