Community Events
Building Community Relationships
Trinity and sponsors or hosts many community events each year, ranging from a Washington Park Hymn Sing (above) to Los Posadas, an annual Block Party, a Pet Blessing Service, a neighborhood Trunk-or-Treat for Halloween, and many more. Many events are cosponsored with Anthony’s Plot and other area churches. We work with the Hispanic League and the WS Police Department to provide a documentation event for new residents. In addition, we host numerous musical concerts during the year, including the Moramus Chorale. the Salem Band, and college choral events such as the recent concert by the Western Carolina University Chorale.
A few of our seasonal events that benefit the community include:
- Dia de Las Reyes (Three Kings Day) – Anthony’s Plot works with area churches to provide requested gifts for needy children, which are delivered by the Three Kings
- Ash Wednesday – A Lunch hour service of Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes is open to the public, as is the evening Catacomb Service
Easter Egg Hunt – Especially for the little ones, we hold an Easter Egg Hunt on the lawn
- Hymn Sing – An informal summer Hymn Sing featuring many old favorite hymns. Held at Washington Park or on the church lawn.
- ID Events — Working with the Hispanic League and the WS Police Department, new residents to the area have a chance to apply for legal/local ID and learn about services in the area.
- Trunk-or-Treat – Area churches participate in a safe event for children and families in the Trinity parking lot, lots of candy, costumes, and other activities.
- Community Thanksgiving Eve Service – the night before Thanksgiving, neighbors and friends from Pine Chapel Moravian Church, Central Terrace UMC, St Philips Moravian Church, Anthony’s Plot, and other area congregations gather at Trinity for a special lovefeast service.
- Los Posadas – Anthony’s Plot organizes a parade through Sunnyside where Mary and Joseph seek to find a place to stay, ending with a wonderful party and meal at Trinity’s fellowship hall.
- Community Christmas Candle Lovefeast — Area congregations and neighbors gather for a special community Christmas lovefeast. A remarkably popular and well-attended event in recent years.
- Salem Band Christmas Concert – a special Christmas concert by the oldest community band in the country.