True Experiential Worship
YES, we will hold the 2024 Good Friday Cross Walk — rain or shine!
Route is the same as last year – see below.
For 48 years, the youth of Trinity Moravian have held a Cross Walk on Good Friday. A full-size cross is carried in solemn and prayerful silence through downtown Winston-Salem, concluding at Salem Square with a liturgy of confession recalling Christ’s crucifixion on Golgotha.
The Story of the Cross Walk by Joyce Carter
News Coverage of the First Cross Walk
It is hard to describe the experience of the Cross Walk. Like many of the best Moravian worship traditions, it is experiential in nature. Each year more and more people from different walks of life join us for this solemn procession. Children, teens, grandparents, recovering addicts, ex-convicts, bishops, and ministers take turns carrying the weight of the Cross. The silent, reverent procession is a time of personal prayer and reflection. Each person takes something different away from the experience.
At the same time, of course, it is a witness. It is always interesting to see the responses of the people in downtown Winston-Salem; many acknowledge our passing with a thumbs-up or a line from a hymn; some shake their heads in wonder, and of course some drivers honk in impatentience. Sometimes a person will leave what they were doing to process with us.
The Good Friday Cross Walk grows each year; those who have experienced it come back again and again. We have people who drive from Charlotte and Raleigh to share the experience. Why don’t you join us this year?

The Route for the Cross Walk
As we did for the last several years, the Cross Walk will start at LOAVES & FISHES, 657 West 5th Street, the Building across the street from the Downtown Library. Parking is available in the Centenary UMC lot next to Loaves & Fishes, and we will gather in the 5th Street “Gathering Place,” the open lot between Loaves & Fishes and ALV Nightclub. Please arrive between 10:30 am and 11:00 am. The Walk will begin at 11:00 promptly. The route (below) is a little over 1 mile in length. We have arranged to use bathrooms at Centenary UMC prior to the Walk, since the library is closed on Good Friday. We walk slowly so that the walk will take 40 minutes or more. We conclude at Salem Square, where Walkers will be greeted by a Moravian Band, and together we will join in a Good Friday Liturgy of Confession.
We begin the Walk with a reading of Christ’s procession to Golgotha. The Walkers then proceed in silent prayer through downtown Winston-Salem, taking turns carrying the wooden cross. We usually have between 6-8 people carrying the cross together at any time. Everyone who wishes to take a turn will have a turn. This is not a “reenactment,” but a meditational prayer experience and silent witness.
ALL ARE WELCOME. We often have babies in strollers, walkers with dogs (MUST BE ON LEASH!), and even folks in wheelchairs. Those who do not feel that they can physically do the mile walk are welcome to join us at the end at Salem Square – and in fact we often have quite a crowd waiting there when we arrive! Walkers are advised to bring some bottled water, sunscreen, and hats! We will be escorted by two Winston-Salem Police Officers who will supervise street crossings. There will be a van available to shuttle Walkers back to the parking lot on 5th Street after the Walk is concluded.
We have not been able to hold the Walk for the last two years due to COVID. In 2019, we had a record number turn out, with over 200 Walkers. This year we are hoping to have an even larger number!
If you have any questions, you can contact the Trinity Moravian Church office at 336-724-5541.
2024 Cross Walk Route
From Loaves & Fishes, we will proceed along Fifth Street to Poplar Street. There, we will walk SOUTH one block and turn EAST on 4th St. We will proceed to Liberty Street, where we will walk SOUTH. We will proceed under Salem Parkway to Cemetery Street, where we will turn left and follow Cemetery EAST to the entrance of Cedar Avenue, the lane next to God’s Acre. We will proceed along Cedar and transition to Church Street. We will process past Home Moravian Church to Salem Square, where we will be greeted by the band, and will pray together a Good Friday liturgy.