John Newton was a sailor so profane that the others on the ship called him “The Great Blasphemer.” Sold into slavery in Sierra Leone by his captain, Newton was eventually rescued and bought out of slavery, and given a commission on a slaving ship. He soon rose to captain, treating captive West Africans with the same brutality he himself had endured. But his spiritual quest came to a head during a terrible storm, and the “Great Blasphemer” found a new peace in God – and a dramatically new direction for his life. He taught himself Greek and Latin, eventually becoming a pastor and one of England’s great advocates for the abolition of the slave trade. He wrote the poem Amazing Grace while pastor at Olney, a poem that has become one of the great beloved hymns of all time.

Filmed in Nova Scotia and North Carolina, this award-winning film captures Newton’s tumultuous life as he recalled it in his memoirs. Several actors who appeared in the movie will be at the screening! There will be a Q&A afterward with the director, the Rev. John Jackman.
Popcorn and sodas will be available. Admission is FREE but donations will be welcome; the profit will benefit Trinity’s Debt Jubilee Project to purchase and forgive medical debts of poor NC residents.
Visit the movie website:
CHURCHES – Download printable posters and bulletin inserts:
This movie has not been rated by the MPAA. Some intense scenes would not be suitable for younger children.
Trinity Moravian Church’s Reich Fellowship Hall is equipped with
Dolby Surround Sound and DLP cinema projection for an immersive movie viewing experience.