Join us at 7 pm March 2 for our Ash Wednesday Catacomb Service in the Reich Fellowship Hall. This candlelit service recalls the early church, worshipping in secret in the catacombs of Rome. The children of LOGOS participate, with the senior highs reading Scripture lessons. There is a liturgy of confession, the imposition of ashes, and a Cup of Covenant.
Moravian Day of Giving
March 1, 2022 is the Moravian Day of Giving — and this year a generous donor has offered to MATCH your gift to a specific congregation (think TRINITY!) – up to $10,000. You have to make your donation through the Moravian Ministries Foundation Giving Portal — and in order to get the match, you need to donate early, since the matching funds will run out. So tomorrow morning (starting at 12:01 am) you can make your gift to Trinity and have it matched! Here’s the link:
Jesus De/Constructed
This is an exciting Lenten series for those who are questioning the pat answers about Jesus from the institutional church – and looking to find the real Jesus in their lives. In essence, this is an informal, six-part group book study of two books led by the authors themselves:
Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence – by Dr. Diana Butler Bass and
The Homebrewed Christianity Guide to Jesus: Lord, Liar, Lunatic . . . Or Awesome? – by Dr. Tripp Fuller
Participants will meet each Sunday night at 7 pm to view the presentation by the authors, and then have a discussion. Zoom option available.
To learn more click HERE!
January 2022 Newsletter
Our January newsletter is ready – you can download the PDF version here or in our Facebook group. A printed version will arrive in the mail this week at every household.
Unity Prayer 2022
This Wednesday, January 12, is Trinity’s turn at the great Unity Prayer Watch. Every minute of every day, a Moravian somewhere is praying for the ministry of the Moravian Church. We have again been assigned the hours of 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Please consider signing up for a 30 minute slot — or perhaps splitting a slot with a spouse or friend. Of course, under the current COVID restrictions, we will all be praying at our homes.
You can download a Prayer Guide that will guide you through prayer for all our provinces and ministries. DOWNLOAD HERE.
This prayer watch, inspired by the “Hundred Year Prayer Watch” in Herrnhut, has continued unbroken since 1957.
Our website is open and active and ready to take your order for local pickup or shipping.
PLEASE place your orders early, especially those which need to be shipped. We must have those orders in by 12/12/21 to be sure you will get your items on time. Kits will be shipped USPS Priority Mail. The charges for those kits are arranged to cover the cost of shipping, which has gone up substantially. The kit itself is a gift to you from our congregation. THESE ORDERS HAVE BEEN SHIPPED!
Local pickup orders should be placed before 12/19/21.
Wed, Dec. 22 from 4pm – 7pm
Thurs, Dec. 23 from 10am – 2pm
If you ordered last year, then your account is still active. If you can’t remember your password, just go to the site and click on “My Account/Login” at the top right of the screen. In the “Returning Customer” box, click on the link for “Forgotten Password,” type in your email address, and the system will send you a reset link – pretty much like every other website with a password!
December 2021 Newsletter
The December 2021 Newsletter is available now! Download the PDF here:
Download Newsletter
Moravian Day of Service
Sunday, September 19 is the annual Moravian Day of Service. Our 11 am service will focus on our role in service others as a way of serving God. After the service, we will invite you to make a difference by taking part in some act of service to others. If you are joining us in person, we will have a number of on-site projects you can help with; if you are joining us virtually, download the suggestions for individual projects you can do at home: DOWNLOAD HERE.
If you plan to attend in person, please fill out the survey to let us know which activities you are most interested in doing:
Delta Variant Precautions
As you have heard, the Delta variant of COVID 19 has spread rapidly through the US – and Forsyth county is regarded as a high transmission area. The Delta Variant is far more contagious and dangerous than the original version we dealt with last year.
In keeping with the CDC guidance and the guidance from our Provincial Elders Conference, the Trinity Moravian Church Board has decide to temporarily impose additional safety measures in our worship setting, to protect one another and those who cannot be immunized, especially children under 12 and those with suppressed immune systems.
We will continue to worship in person, with live webcasting for those who must stay at home. But for the next few weeks, we will ask everyone to wear a mask or face covering while in the sanctuary, whether you are vaccinated or not. We will continue social distancing. We will temporarily suspend congregational singing, and most music will be instrumental. The Board will meet the first Sunday in September to review the situation.
If you are not vaccinated, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. If you have questions or want to know more about the Delta variant and why we have taken these measures, please watch the next video on our website, which goes into greater detail. VIEW HERE.
The Apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Philippians, “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4
Communications/Office Manager
Would you like to use your skills and imagination to make a real difference in a diverse community? Trinity Moravian Church has an opening for a part time Communications/Office Manager. Strong computer skills will be needed, great people skills are essential. You can download the job description below. Applicants should contact